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Charlie last name wilson french traduction

See also the entry for George Fitzhugh from the Encyclopedia of Southern Culture available on this site.Charles Spencer Chaplin was born in London, England, on April 16th, 1889. Carnes, eds., American National Biography, New York: Oxford University Press, 1999 Knight, Lucian Lamar, comp., Biographical Dictionary of Southern Authors, Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1978 Lauter, Paul, ed., The Heath Anthology of American Literature, Volume I, 4th ed., Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2002 Wilson, Charles Reagan and William Ferris, eds., Encyclopedia of Southern Culture, Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1989. Without such antagonisms, southern life under slavery connects human beings to one another and appears characterized by stability, peace, and brotherhood.

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Ardently defending life in the South, Fitzhugh itemizes those problems prevalent in free society, which he argues range from the moral decline reflected in changing marital practices to the insidious psychological effects of mounting worker anxieties. According to Fitzhugh, while the white race remains innately superior in morality and intellect, slavery does function as a civilizing force that elevates the enslaved. By comparison, slaves in the South enjoy the paternalistic favor and care of their masters, making their condition far superior to the lives of their free laboring counterparts. Citing the turbulence in England and France as examples, Fitzhugh bemoans the suffering of free laborers who, toiling under the myth of liberty, equality, and fraternity, actually become society's slaves.

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In triumphing individual self-interest and sacrificing the communal good, free competition yields only hostility. The pursuit of capital gain through free trade, Fitzhugh suggests, results in an overall moral decline. Laissez-faire, on the other hand, manufactures human degradation, oppression, and selfishness. Divinely instituted and universally practiced, slavery, he argues, promotes community, morality, and protection for the disadvantaged. Fitzhugh details the essential flaw of free trade, which, in privileging the wealthy and further subjecting the poor, puts society at war. Opening with a critique of Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations, he also rejects Locke's theory of the social contract. In Sociology for the South, Fitzhugh sets out to demonstrate what he perceives as the overwhelming failure of free society. Despite Fitzhugh's penchant for racism, recent critical scholarship has reexamined his works and their critique of modern capitalism's industrialized, mechanized society in relation to Marxism and its theoretical offshoots. He remained convinced that slavery was a rightful, necessary form of labor and that southern blacks should stay enslaved. During an 1855 visit to Boston, Massachusetts and New Haven, Connecticut, Fitzhugh gave public lectures and engaged in lively debates with northern abolitionists on slavery.

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Two years later in 1880, he moved near his daughter's residence in Huntsville, Texas, where he died July 30, 1881.Ī vocal slavery advocate, Fitzhugh published a pamphlet titled Slavery Justified (1849), which was later reprinted as an appendix in his 1854 Sociology for the South or, The Failure of Free Society. Shortly after his wife's death in 1877, Fitzhugh retired to Frankfort, Kentucky to live with his son. Despite later publications in De Bow's Review (in 1867) and Lippincott's Magazine (in 18), George Fitzhugh's postbellum life, like the lives of other proslavery apologist writers, was characterized by relative obscurity.

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Following the Civil War, Fitzhugh was appointed a judge in the Freedman's Court (part of the Freedman's Bureau) but left in 1866.

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Relocating to Richmond in 1862, he also clerked for the Confederacy's Treasury Department. (1857-1858) at the office of Attorney General Jeremiah Sullivan Black in the land claim department. Fitzhugh subsequently worked as a law clerk in Washington, D.C. In 1829 he married Mary Metcalf Brockenbrough and moved near Port Royal, Virginia, where he had obtained a small plantation through marriage and practiced law. Though he attended a local field school, Fitzhugh was largely self-educated. His physician father, also named George Fitzhugh, and his mother, Lucy Stuart, would later struggle as small-scale planters when the family moved to a plantation near Alexandria, Virginia. George Fitzhugh was born Novemin Prince William County, Virginia to an established southern family in financial decline.

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